One of the little shops I went in sells some adorable baskets and turkish towels and blankets that I absolutely loved. After 3 trips to the store (and that’s not including the trips to the store last time I was in town) I finally bit the bullet and bought the turkish blanket. It is soooo soft and lovely–I couldn’t wait to get it home! My plan is to build a blanket ladder (there is a tutorial on Instagram @willowbloomhome in her highlighted Insta stories that I plan to follow) and hang my new blanket on it. I couldn’t wait to get it home and start on my blanket ladder project!
I also snapped a few quick pics of a few other items that caught my eye on my travels. I found some farmhouse style hand towels, more throw blankets, planter pots, pillows (umm…almost bought these but they were pretty pricey!) And a vintage style bluetooth radio, which wasn’t actually for sale but I think I just added this to my Christmas wish list!
I bought this table runner (the one on top of the pile in the picture above) to place on my hutch at home, and I just love how vintagey it looks! I’ve already displayed it on my hutch in my front entry at home, along with some of the old books I bought at an antique store (see photo at the end of this post!).
(There are some affiliate links below.)
If you love some of the items I found at the local shops on my holiday, here are some links to similar products to the ones I found on my travels!
Turkish Towels/Blankets
Burlap Table Runner
Ceramic Flower Pot
Geometric Textured Pillow
Fringe Pillow
Vintage-Style Bluetooth Speaker
I snapped this picture of my front entry before even unpacking all the suitcases (they are behind me when I took the photo!) I am so pleased with my new table runner, and I love how it looks on my hutch! I always love purchasing souvenirs on trips because it’s fun to have a reminder of the memories made! My little handmade topiary probably won’t be able to stay there on the little chair, because my 9 month old already tried to tip it over! I had so much fun creating this new display. I love stacking items on old books, it adds some height to the display. I’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts on my hutch display, and on my finds from my holiday!
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Instagram and Antique Shop Inspiration
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