I’d love for you to find and follow me! https://www.instagram.com/valleyandbirch/
The first thing these amazing Instagram accounts taught me is that I know absolutely NOTHING about photography! I knew it before but I know it now more than ever. And I decided I need to learn! So far, when I’ve been taking photos of my own decor projects, it’s only been with my iphone. Now, I have a strong desire to go buy a DSLR camera and learn how to use it properly…but I think my plan is to break out my Canon Powershot point and shoot camera, and see how that fairs first.
Here are some of the amazing Instagram accounts I have really been inspired by and have followed recently:
They are worth checking out! From perusing their posts, I now have a too-long list of decor items I want to get for my kitchen: cutting boards, a bread box, wooden kitchen utensils, canisters, pottery, recipe book holder, white pots…I could go on and on. I was in an amazing kitchen store the other day and there were some adorable cement canisters, wooden trays, acacia cutting boards, and soft cotton tea towels that I SOOO wanted to buy. But…I walked out empty handed. I know I already have some items I could use at home that would work for what I want them to. And I think I might be able to find some of those things cheaper at Home Sense or online at Amazon.
Of course, part of the farmhouse look is using vintage or antique items in your home decor displays. I was in an antique store the other day, and there were lots of things that caught my eye! I bought an old greenish book of Robert Frost poems to put on display. I purchased two pitchers, one is an old white pitcher with basin, and the other is made of galvanized metal. The white glazed finish has a crackled look to it that I love. I don’t have a picture of it yet, because the kind man who worked at the shop wrapped it and boxed it up for me to travel home with it. When I get home, I’ll be sure to post a picture when I find a place for it! Here’s a picture of the galvanized pitcher:It’s a little dented but I love the flower designs on it. My plan is to find some artificial spring flowers and arrange them in the pitchers.
I also loved these old crocks. I thought they’d be really cute with a plant in them, or a smaller one could be used on the counter with kitchen utensils in it. I didn’t buy any, but I’m still thinking about it! I adore these barnwood frames. I actually own one of these that I bought at the same store a couple years ago, and I love it! I wanted to but a few more to display some of my favorite hymns, but they are a bit pricey so I passed on getting some.
I thought this kitchen scale would be so cute on some open shelving in the kitchen, but it was $75 and that was more than I was willing to spend on it.
My favorite find was these vintage shutters! My husband wasn’t a huge fan of them, but I love them! What do you think of the green color? These green shutters apparently came from Quebec, which is kind of cool. I’m considering refinishing them white, but I think leaving them as is adds to the character. My plan for these is to hang them in my home office, and maybe add some wreaths.
I also visited a different antique shop this week. It was pretty cluttered as I walked in the door, but sometimes you can find a treasure where you least expect it! There wasn’t too much that caught my eye, but I did end up buying an old window frame painted as a chalkboard.
I may or may not refinish the frame. I haven’t decided where to hang it yet…possibly in the back entry or in my office. What are your thoughts? Should I refinish it or not? Where should I hang it?
Thanks for reading my post! What do you think of my antique shop finds?
***Don’t forget to find me on Instagram! @valleyandbirch 🙂
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